How to quickly prepare for the exam?
Exams have to be taken, although not often, but it is always a laborious and nervous process. How to properly organize your study time?
Let's say there are two days left before the exam (today and tomorrow). At this time, the applicant (student) must ask himself the following three questions:
What to learn? (What subject, material, questions, answers, books, textbooks, smart acquaintances, TV, Internet, other media).
How to teach? (Cramming, tutor, mnemonics, textbooks under the pillow, reading).
Do I need to teach? (Or maybe you're lucky? Or maybe I know everything? Or is there a cool cheat sheet?).
What to learn?
Before you learn anything, you need to decide on the sources that you use. Usually there is either too much or too little information. The middle is rare. In order to fill up the baggage of information use to be fully ready for the exam. Since it is important to write a written work very well on the exam so that you can complete the exam.
In the first case, it is necessary to choose one or two from a variety of textbooks (if it is, for example, history. It is worth taking school textbooks and a short history course written by the teachers of the university you are entering). But you can also use the assignment writing help where they can help not only with the subject of writing essays, but they can also write a job for you that will facilitate your preparation for the exam. If it is possible to use video and audio materials, do so because they are better remembered.
If it’s physics or mathematics, it’s better to pay attention to the formulas. If the formula is too long or difficult to remember, pay attention to the components that form it and their decoding. If the neighbor on the right can still tell you the formula, then you yourself will explain to the teacher.A tutor is, of course, good, but it differs in that it costs money. But if there is no money, this is also not the end of the world, use the academic writing service to prepare for the exam. Yes, you have to sit down and try to figure it out yourself. It is better to come to a tutor, to a familiar teacher with a specific question or with a specific topic that is not clear. This will save you and his time. When preparing, it is better to use the Internet when you know what you are looking for, otherwise the process of finding information will take longer than its assimilation.
Friends or acquaintances who know or passed your subject will be useful only if they know the material well and you know what you need to ask them. In addition, not every person has the ability to explain something normally. If you and your friends do not meet these criteria, you will be wasting your time.Note.
How to teach?
This is also a serious question. Whether you are going to go headlong into study, sit in the library or take a synopsis "to read in transport" - the effectiveness will be different.
What can you do in a time-limited environment?
An important point is to force yourself to get busy. Before the exam, you want to do whatever you want, just not to prepare for it. At this time, you can recall long-forgotten and postponed affairs, remember that you have not called someone for a long time, you can get distracted under the pretext that it would be time to have a snack, you can prove yourself an exemplary son (daughter) and carry out some parental assignment (go to market, fix a shelf, sweep the floor, etc.) - in general, do whatever you want to postpone the moment when you have to sit with a book or notebook and get ready.
We must make an effort on ourselves. This is important and necessary. But one should not go to extremes. If you overlap with textbooks, turn off your phone and barricade yourself in your room, the effectiveness of such training is unlikely to be high. It is best to break the material into parts (for example, one ticket each) or set a time for yourself, say, one hour. For example, if you sorted out the topic of one ticket or studied for an hour, take a break.
You should not study for the exam with a friend or girlfriend (unless he or she understands the material better than you). Such preparation often turns into long conversations and a waste of time.
Another important question: how to remember?
There are different opinions on this matter. Some people prefer cramming. But the most successful way of memorization is considered to be mnemonics (mnemonics). What it is? This thing is quite complex, including, in particular, memorization by associations.
You need to remember the date - try to remember what this date means to you personally. Maybe it's your aunt's birthday? Or maybe on this day you did something for the first time or went somewhere? Or maybe this date resembles someone's phone? Just don't look for family holidays on purpose. And then on the exam you will have to remember them as well.
Need to remember the formula? Look at her from a different angle. Try to read it like a word. Match each letter in the formula with a word and make a funny sentence that will "get stuck" in your head.It is very convenient to memorize any definitions, phenomena, events, reducing them to what you already know. You memorize a long definition - try to simplify it. It is important to understand the essence of the definition, not to memorize it. Rarely does any of the teachers accept with hostility your explanation of the definition in their own words instead of the memorized version. Vice versa. If you can retell the definition in your own words, then you understand it. This means that you understand the material.
Different people have developed different types of memory: visual, auditory, motor. People with developed visual memory will find it more useful to read the material. Then I remember the page on which the desired topic is written. For those who have developed motor memory, it is better to re-write the material (for example, write cheat sheets). Etc.
If you feel that you understand the material and can explain it, and you are not tired yet, continue! In the evening, allow yourself to relax - take a walk, chat on the phone, read a detective story, visit a friend.
Before going to bed, you can, if not teach, then at least flip through the materials covered: try, looking at the title, to recall the general content of the question (if it does not work out, look at the section). Psychologists say that information gained during falling asleep and waking up is best remembered.
You can write cheat sheets! At the time of writing.
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